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Do-it-yourself Food-based Cleanse Kits are Here

Do-it-yourself Food-based Cleanse Kits are Here

If focusing on good health in the new year is front and center for you, then consider a Body Tune-up Food-based Cleanse. With my book, The Body Tune-up, as a guide and your kit of supplements in hand, you can create an impressive shift in your overall health in six weeks.

The Body Tune-up starts with a 10-day Digestive Cleanse to lay the groundwork in understanding (and eating!) optimal foods for the gut. The book offers three additional cleanses totaling six weeks.

I am also available by appointment to provide individualized support if needed.

Checkout this video for an introduction to the Body Tune-up food-based cleanse.

Here are links to other resources about the Body Tune-up also:

Ultimate Goal in a Food-based Cleanse

Body Tune-up Interview with Esty Dinur

Not a plant-based cleanse

3 Steps to an effective cleanse

My First Cleanse