While awareness of the value of Vitamin D has expanded greatly in recent years, it is important to note that this vitamin is critical for multiple body systems including the immune system. This is one of my key suggestions for those interested in flu-preventation as Vitamin D allows the immune system to attack invading pathogens. A recent study published in the British Medical Journal highlighted that Vitamin D was important in preventing respiratory tract infections (a broad term meaning anything from sniffles to pneumonia) and has the potential to eliminate millions of colds on an annual basis.
While most people in Wisconsin would likely benefit from supplementation, it's important to always measure your levels if you are taking Vitamin D. I have had many clients who are taking Vitamin D, measure it to find out that their levels are too low (optimal level is 80, especially if there is any auto-immunity) despite having taken the supplement for a long time. In this case, switching to a more effective supplement, taking the supplement with fat, or increasing the dose is helpful. Once you get your Vitamin D levels into a good range, measuring occasionally in order to optimize the level is also a good idea. If you're not measuring, then you're guessing! We can provide referrals for Vitamin D testing which costs $29 for the test plus the blood draw fee of $25 at a local clinic (call us for more details).
When and adult's Vitamin D levels are below 40 or 50, I suggest 10,000IU daily for two weeks and then 5000IU daily until the re-test point (usually in 2 months). A child may need less than this in order to maintain optimal levels. Our goal is to get Vitamin D level to 80.