Be specific. Most people do well when they can focus on the specific step that needs to happen to accomplish a goal. Go beyond “I want to eat better” to “I’m going to make an omelet for breakfast instead of picking up a coffee on the way to work” or “I’m going to eat fresh vegetables for snacks instead of a bar” or “I’m going to eat berries or a dark leafy green everyday”.
2. Be practical. Having time to accomplish our personal goals is a major limitation for most people. If your goal is to eat more vegetables for snacks then set aside time to add them to your grocery list, shop, and prepare them. If necessary, actually write in extra time in your schedule at first to allow time for making a menu and grocery list until it becomes habitual. I'll write "extra celery" on my grocery list so I remember that I'm working that into my snacks instead of just eating curried cashews.
3. Pick goals that are achievable: Rather than “I want to lose 10 lbs”, break it down to “I want to lose ½ lb per week.”
4. Do things in the morning before the pressures of the day are in motion. To work towards personal health goals, it can help to get up earlier. The early morning time can allow for meditation, breathing exercises, a brisk walk and time to prepare your meals for the day. It doesn’t have to be the morning but for many people it is a huge step to make time for oneself during the day whenever that is.
5. Surround yourself with people who have the habits and values you are working towards. Research tells us that we adopt the habits and activities of the people with whom we spend the most time. Try to nurture or establish relationships with people who can relate to what you are trying to accomplish. If you can’t find good company, then sometimes it is best to spend more time alone perhaps with supportive books and inspirational reading until you either feel stronger in your new habit or can find better company.