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Vegetable Medley


  • 4 Tbls. olive oil
  • 2 zucchinis
  • 2 summer squashs
  • 2 cups diced asparagus
  • 1 cup fresh mushrooms
  • 1 small red onion
  • 2 thinly sliced carrots
  • 1 Tbs, Braggs Liquid Aminos
  • 3-4 garlic cloves
  • 4 tsp. dried thyme
  • a pinch of cayenne
  • 1 lemon


  • Heat olive oil in sauce pan. Add garlic and asparagus and saute over medium-high heat to sear the greens. Stir asparagus frequently so they dont burn.
  • Add thyme, liquid aminos and cayenne. Then add the rest of the veggies, simmer for 20-25 minutes.
  • Upon serving, squeeze lemon juice over veggies.