Biotics Research Bio-D-Mulsion 1 fl. oz.
Biotics Research's Bio-D-Mulsion supplies vitamin D3 (400 IU per drop) in an emulsified form to aid in uptake and assimilation, especially important for those with malabsorption issues. Note: Inadequate levels of vitamin D are common. While the importance of vitamin D for musculoskeletal health is well documented, its importance in numerous other aspects of health are now recognized. They include (but are not limited to) cardiovascular health and immune function.
In addition to vitamin D playing a key role in the regulation of calcium and phosphorous (and, therefore, the development of healthy bones and teeth), vitamin D helps support brain health, metabolism, immunity, optimal weight, heart function including blood pressure regulation, and the maintenance of healthy blood sugar levels. Once known to influence 4 target organs in the body, research shows vitamin D may involve as many as 36 target organs. At the molecular level, vitamin D (1alpha, 25(0H)2D3) plays a significant role in the immune system, the secretion of insulin by the pancreatic cells, the functioning of the heart and blood pressure regulation, multitude of activities of the brain and, also, fetal development. In other words, recent research has shown that vitamin D3’s sphere of biological influence is much broader than originally thought.