Biotics Research Bio-K-Mulsion 1 oz.
Biotics Resarch's Bio-K-Mulsion supplies vitamin K1 (500 mcg per drop) in an emulsified form to aid in the uptake and utilization of this important vitamin. Vitamin K status is important on bone health, and recent research has linked it to cardiovascular health as well.
A fat soluble vitamin that was first isolated and synthesized in the late 1930s, the so named Vitamin K is a short form of the name Koagulationsvitamin given by Danish researchers in reference to its role in blood clotting. Vitamin K plays several key roles in the body. In addition to being one of the first substances given to newborns to prevent hemorrhage, vitamin K is also involved in normal bone calcification, aids in the conversion of glucose to glycogen, and assists healthy cardiac and liver function, as well as providing immune system support. In addition, high temperatures, diarrhea, or antibiotic use may deplete stores of vitamin K producing bacteria that line the GI tract. Individuals who rely on low fat, high protein diets or diets high in processed foods, may not have adequate vitamin K levels. Vitamin K deficiency can be difficult to recognize as frequently the only outward symptom is bruising or vascular fragility – people may first notice this as pool-like bruises on the hands and arms or dark circles under the eyes. Heavy menstrual periods or bleeding of the gums may be associated with vitamin K deficiency.
There are two key forms of naturally occurring vitamin K. Phylloquinone (precursor phytonadione), also known as K1, and menaquionine, referred to as K2. The K1 family of compounds is synthesized in plant leaves and leafy green vegetables whereas K2 is commonly derived from animal or bacterial sources. It is interesting to note that while similar, each form of vitamin K targets different tissues.
Does not contain: gluten or dairy.