Biotics Research BioProtect - 90 capsules

Biotics Research BioProtect - 90 capsules

Biotics Research's BioProtect supplies a wide spectrum of anti-oxidant nutrients in reasonable amounts to assist in the bodies ability to "quench" free radicals, compounds that cause biological damage to cells.

Antioxidants have the ability to “scavenge” free radicals and inhibit their chain reactions. The multitude of antioxidants provided by BioProtect™ play various roles and act in synergy to support the body’s natural defense mechanisms. For example, natural carotenoids, including lycopene, are able to quench singlet oxygen, thereby inhibiting free radical chain reactions. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase are supplied via our specially grown, biologically active vegetable culture. SOD is our primary enzymatic free radical scavenger, and is the only enzyme specifically designed to disarm free radicals in the body. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study, orally ingested vegetable culture source SOD (a proprietary product of Biotics Research Corporation) was shown to significantly increase erythrocyte SOD activity in humans. Additionally, catalase plays an important supporting role. Hydrogen peroxide, also a strong oxidizing agent (ROS), is produced from the action of SOD on superoxide. Cells rely on catalase to convert hydrogen peroxide to oxygen and water.

Does not contain: gluten or dairy