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Biotics Research Methionine 200 - 100 caps

Biotics Research Methionine 200 - 100 caps

Biotics Research's Methionine 200 provides a supplemental source of sulphur-bearing amino acids Methionine, Lysine and Cysteine.

Methionine is a sulfur-bearing essential amino acid which belongs to a group of compounds called lipotropics. Other lipotropics include choline, inositol, and betaine. As a lipotrophic, it assists in the breakdown of fats, and may prevent the accumulation of fatty plaques in arterial adventitia. The body utilizes sulfur directly to promote healthy skin and nails. Sulfur also increases the liver’s production of lecithin, which reduces cholesterol, reduces fat in the liver, protects the kidneys, reduces bladder irritation by regulating ammonia formation, and helps the body to excrete heavy metals. Additionally, methionine has several secondary roles. It is a precursor to the amino acid cysteine, which in turn is a precursor to glutathione – a prime liver detoxifier. It is also one of the three amino acids required by the body to create creatine monohydrate, a compound essential for energy production and muscle building. Along with adenosine triphosphate (ATP), it is converted to S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM or SAMe), an active compound which serves as a methyl donor. As SAMe, it helps to regulate gene expression, preserve the fatty membrane that surrounds the cell, and regulate several hormones and neurotransmitters including serotonin, adrenaline, acetylcholine, melatonin, and dopamine. Since the majority of dietary methionine comes from meat and fish, vegetarians, and those with poor diets may also have higher methionine needs.

Each capsule of Methionine-200™ supplies 200 mg of DL-methionine, 20 mg of L-lysine, and 5 mg of L-cysteine along with super oxide dismutase and catalase. There are two considerations when using methionine: 1) it is best absorbed when taken on an empty stomach, and 2) if using high doses of methionine, it is best to balance it with a supplement that contains both choline and inositol.