Biotics Research BioDrive - 120 caps
Biotics Research's BioDrive is a proprietary herbal blend designed to support women's libido during their "transitional phase" of life. It's composition supports healthy adrenal function and increased circulation to the extremities, including the sex organs.
As women age, hormonal imbalances and fluctuations may lead to fatigue and waning libido. The topic of women’s sexual health has received little study in comparison to the plethora of studies dedicated to male sexual function. Further compounding this lack of information are studies that indicate that female libido is far more complex than male libido, which can be primarily linked to testosterone levels. One study tested more than 1000 women over 45 years of age and found that serum levels of testosterone and other sex hormones had no link with the degree of sexual desire – ruling out the possibility of a simple diagnostic blood test for women. Furthermore, some women may not recognize declining libido as such, and instead blame age, stress, or overwhelming fatigue for their impaired sexual function.
Formulated in conjunction with Dr. Michelle Pouliot, BioDrive® is a proprietary herbal blend, containing Rhodiola rosea extract for adrenal support, Turnera diffusa (an ancient aphrodisiac), Urtica dioica extract, an aid to limiting SHBG (sex hormone binding globulins), and Ginkgo biloba and Panax quinquefolia for increasing circulation to the extremities, including the sex organs. In an evaluation using BioDrive®, 12 of 17 women (71%) who responded to a survey reported that they had greater interest in sex. Of the twelve positive survey responders, ten said that they were more easily aroused, eleven indicated more pleasure with intercourse, eight reported an improved ability in achieving orgasm, and five reported increased intensity of orgasm. Some patients on SSRI’s, which have a known effect on libido, have found BioDrive® to be very helpful.
Does not contain: Gluten or Dairy